Tuesday 13 May 2008

Highpoint Symposium Workshop 8: How would a weblog blog on a weblog blog if a weblog could blog blogs?

What do you mean that the title doesn’t make sense! Mohamed Yaseen Kassam (Training & Development), and Alan Brine and Phil Adams (Library Services) will give tips on common-sense blogging for readers and writers in order to enhance the student experience. The session will be split in to 2 mini sessions; the first half concentrating on a writers’ aspects, and the second half dedicated to the readers’ aspects.

Although the session is aimed at novices, any budding talents and experts are welcome to join the session to contribute to discussions as the facilitators are still continuously learning new things everyday about this and other similar technologies.

Writing blogs:

In this part we will discuss:
  • What weblogs are and how they are affecting us in HE and the world?
  • How we can use blogs to further our professional/personal interests?
  • What a blogger needs to know to keep the blog going and keeping the audience craving for more?
  • Discuss different terms, words, or lingo that crop-up in the blogging arena.
  • General tips of do’s and don’ts as writers.
  • Guidance on further exploration around the subject.
Reading blogs:

In this part we will discuss:
  • How do readers find blogs?
  • Is reading a blog’ as simple as it sounds?
  • Can tags help to manage interesting blog posts?
  • Can feed readers help you to keep up to date?
  • Can browsers be adapted to make reading blogs easier?
We look forward to be seeing you there - Phil, Alan, & Mohamed


jane@salsabaile said...

great tips on writing blogs - has made me as a beginning blogger really think how to reshape what I am doing for studnet and public consumption

Mohamed said...

Thanks for attending the session and for your comment.

Please feel free to contact me if you need any help whatsoever regarding your blog.

Simon said...

very useful and interesting - am thinking of incorporating the top tips and advice when i talk to students about blogs next year. thanks again.